

Intelligence artificielle / Machine Learning, SaaS / Cloud Services, Santé


Organization and methodologies


ImVitro encourages agile development, working in biweekly sprints that are aligned with our team and company-wide OKRs which are set quarterly, and revised at the middle of the quarter. Our release cycle is tightly coupled with the idea of having a release per sprint - shipping what we’ve built to get user feedback as quickly as possible. When we are pre-planning a sprint, we groom the stories together, align on the details and put a rough estimate. Once mature, a feature is broken down into stories which are added to our sprint dashboard on Notion. Every morning, the AI and Engineering team each have their dailies to share ongoing tasks and progress with the VP.

Recruitment process


Initial Phone Call (30 minutes): The first step is a brief call with the VP AI & Engineering to help us understand your background and interests.

Technical Interview (1 hour): The second round involves an in-depth technical interview with the relevant team lead & members.It involves live problem-solving, technical questions, and acting out scenarios.

Culture Fit Interview (30 min): This stage is about communicating ImVitro's and your own core values, as well as your work style. Here, we determine if we are aligned to help ensure a harmonious work environment. We might ask for some references with former managers to get to know your past experiences in more depth.

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