

Application mobile, FinTech / InsurTech, Intelligence artificielle / Machine Learning

Paris, Barcelona, New York

Company values

  • Set the bar high

We strive for excellence in everything, setting ambitious goals. Good is never enough; we work passionately every day, committed to making a real difference in people’s lives.

  • Get things done

To achieve extraordinary results, we need focus and efficiency. We emphasize impact, making decisions swiftly and implementing solutions without delay. Planning ahead is key.

  • Never stop learning

No matter your role or seniority, there is always something to learn and teach. A day without learning is a lost opportunity, even if you’ve met targets.

  • Care for others

We deeply care about our team and stakeholders. Our mission to improve lives extends to our users, team, partners, and everyone we interact with.

  • Make it fun

Fun is crucial and taken seriously at work. It’s not just about enjoying time outside work; it’s about making work enjoyable. A day without smiles or laughter is a day wasted.