

EdTech, Intelligence artificielle / Machine Learning, Logiciels


Meet Grégoire, Software Engineer - Lalilo

Meet Grégoire, Software Engineer

Après quelques expériences de software engineer dans des start-ups, Grégoire a choisi de rejoindre Lalilo pour travailler dans un secteur avec plus de sens, d’impact. Il souhaitait rejoindre une équipe bienveillante, qui cherche à faire grandir l’autre aussi bien techniquement qu’humainement. Son rôle en tant que développeur fullstack est l’amélioration continue du produit, l’analyse de solution et la conception des futures features. Il aime toucher à tout et apprendre de tous, Lalilo lui a permis de monter en compétence sur des problématiques d’infrastructures complexes. Il aime le nouveau modèle de société que représente Lalilo et apprécie la possibilité de s’investir dans tous les projets de la société.

Meet Natacha, Product Manager - Lalilo

Meet Natacha, Product Manager

Natacha is a Dauphine graduate. She joined Lalilo after 4 years in operations and product in startups. She was always interested in education and in March 2020 fell in love with Lalilo. She joined the company to be the first Product Manager meaning she works closely with teachers, data, designers, pedagogical experts and developers to build a successful product for students and teachers.


After graduating from Centrale Paris, Ambre interned at Theodo as a web developer.

She went on to work on modernizing the French public sector as part of the “Entrepreneur d’Intérêt Général” program for 10 months, putting her experience and skills to good use. In a continuing search to contribute to society, Ambre joined Lalilo in December 2018 to revolutionize education using technology to make learning to read easier for students.


Caroline is a Celsa graduate. She joined Lalilo after 15 years in Marketing and Communication at traditional companies. She discovered the social economy ecosystem in early 2019 while working as a volunteer.

From then on she decided to work in a company that plays a positive role in society. In September 2019, she joined Lalilo as the French Teacher Community Manager to fight alongside teachers against academic failure.


Pascal Julie est le responsable éditorial de Lalilo. Formé au management de l’édition (ESCP-Asfored) après un Master en sciences humaines (ENS Cachan), Pascal a plus de 10 ans d’expérience dans plusieurs groupes d'édition (Studyrama, Reed Elsevier, Lefebvre Sarrut, etc.). Son rôle est de coordonner le travail des membres de l’équipe éditoriale et pédagogique, et de construire avec eux la vision d'un produit toujours plus efficace en terme d'apprentissage différencié. Il aide également ceux-ci à structurer leur travail, en organisant les bases de données du contenu pédagogique et en s’assurant de la qualité de celles-ci.


Anh is a proud Lallilian whose focus is on anything People related. After working in the technology industry in the US and Singapore, Anh pursued a career in teaching yoga and English while calling 8 different countries home. With her diverse international experiences and open mindset, Anh decided to couple HR with education and joined Lalilo where she can contribute to a meaningful mission: help kids learn to read.

Her favorite thing about Lalilo? Going to the classroom and seeing kids smile and excited about reading thanks to Lalilo.

Meet Marine, Data Analytics and AI lead - Lalilo

Meet Marine, Data Analytics and AI lead

After graduating from EMLYON Business School and La Sorbonne, Marine shifted from 5 years in the video advertising industry to the ed tech sector. Driven by her interest in education, pedagogy and human relationships, she deeply wanted a role with positive impact. Drawn to Lalilo’s mission to end illiteracy, she decided to join Lalilo in 2021 as first Data Analyst.
Now Director of Data & AI team, Marine is excited to shape Lalilo’s long-term strategy and ambitions. With a cross-skilled team of data experts, they drive innovation and ensure Lalilo remains on top of the emerging AI technology and analytics best practices for Education. Collaborating closely with product, software engineering, business and pedago teams, they deliver high-standards technologies - such as adaptive learning, speech recognition and smart features - along with a robust data platform and valuable insights. It drives innovation in Lalilo’s product and empowers every Lalilian to make more data-driven decisions!

Meet Lisa-Joan, Responsable Pédagogique - Lalilo

Meet Lisa-Joan, Responsable Pédagogique

Après une première vie professionnelle en tant que développeuse chez Capgemini, Lisa a choisi de s’engager pour l’éducation en devenant professeure des écoles à l’Éducation nationale. Pendant 15 ans, elle a accompagné les futurs citoyens et citoyennes dans leurs apprentissages, tout en les aidant à se construire en tant qu’individus.

Sa passion pour l'éducation l'a amenée à rejoindre Lalilo en 2021, où elle allie ses compétences numériques et pédagogiques pour lutter contre l'illettrisme à une échelle plus large.

Aujourd'hui, en tant que responsable de l'équipe pédagogique, Lisa veille à ce que les contenus de Lalilo soient non seulement conformes aux programmes scolaires, mais qu'ils intègrent également les valeurs essentielles de diversité, d'équité et d'inclusion. Elle s’appuie sur les données fournies par l'équipe Data pour éclairer ses décisions et met son expertise au service de l’équipe Produit afin de garantir que les fonctionnalités de la plateforme répondent aux besoins des enseignants et des élèves. À travers son travail, Lisa s’efforce d’avoir un impact positif sur la société et d'œuvrer pour le bien commun.


After a first career as a developer at Capgemini, Lisa chose to dedicate herself to education by becoming an elementary school teacher in the French National Education system. For 15 years, she guided future citizens in their learning while helping them develop as individuals.

Her passion for education led her to join Lalilo in 2021, where she combines her digital and pedagogical skills to combat illiteracy on a larger scale.

Today, as the head of the pedagogical team, Lisa ensures that Lalilo's content not only aligns with educational standards but also integrates essential values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. She relies on data provided by the Data team to inform her decisions and brings her expertise to the Product team to ensure that the platform's features meet the needs of teachers and students. Through her work, Lisa strives to have a positive impact on society and work for the common good.

Meet Baptiste, Data Scientist - Lalilo

Meet Baptiste, Data Scientist

Baptiste a rejoint Lalilo en avril 2021 en tant que Data Scientist, où il utilise ses compétences en science des données et en intelligence artificielle pour l'éducation, notamment en développant des technologies qui personnalisent l'apprentissage de la lecture et évaluent l'aisance orale des élèves. Passionné par les nouvelles technologies, il collabore étroitement avec les équipes produit et les experts pédagogiques pour maximiser l'impact sur les élèves et les enseignants. Diplômé de Grenoble INP, il a précédemment travaillé dans deux startups à succès, Molotov TV et Skopai, sur des projets de recommandations et personnalisation de l'expérience utilisation, ainsi que sur des problématiques de traitement du langage naturel.


Lalilo is a virtual assistant which helps educators teach primary school students how to read.

The startup was launched in 2016 by 3 engineers from École Polytechnique, with the goal of ending illiteracy with AI. In France 20% of the students who graduate from elementary school (collège) can't read proficiently enough to keep up with the academic demands of the classroom. In the U.S, that number goes up to 30%.

By providing individualised learning to students they want to drive that number down to 0.

To reach this goal, they have brought together experts in pedagogy, teachers, designers and technologists who work hand in hand to build the best classroom tools for students and educators.

Lalilo joined Renaissance Learning in 2021 to accelerate its development and reach more and more students throughout the world.

What they are looking for

We're looking for people who want to change education. Driven, honest, humble, passionate, benevolent and willing to learn.

Good to know

The pillars of Lalilo are:

  1. Transparency
  2. Benevolence
  3. Continuous learning
  4. Feedback culture
  5. Self governance
  6. LaliloDays, our special team retreat

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