Music Story

Music Story

Intelligence artificielle / Machine Learning, Musique


Organisation et méthodologies

Music Story
  • A kick-off meeting is held every Monday morning with the technical and business teams.

  • The development process is orchestrated using the Kanban method, with one planning point per week.

  • A team meeting is scheduled every month to keep all employees up to date with performance figures and project progress.

  • A SlackDay is organized once a month on topics of technical improvement and technology watch.

Projets et défis techniques

Music Story

The Metadata Monitor

The Metadata Monitor is a platform that highlights the Music Story database. The initial challenge is to display all of our existing & marketed data, and organize them according to the logic of the music industry in order  to offer smooth navigation. The second challenge is to make the Metadata Monitor a platform of services tailored to each of our clients and their user profile, and whose use brings value to their daily work. The goal is to offer a seamless and personalized experience, either autonomously or in communication with our teams.

Current challenges :

  • Smooth and autonomous user experience
  • Adaptive design for varying data quantities
  • Monitoring the quality of our services

Processus de recrutement

Music Story

The recruitment process is divided into two stages.

  1. A first interview takes place by video with the CTO and the candidate.
  2. A second interview follows in our offices with the CEO and CTO.