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Internal Communication Apprentice

Alternance(12 à 24 mois)
Salaire : Non spécifié
Début : 01 septembre 2024
Télétravail occasionnel
Éducation : Bac +5 / Master


Cette offre vous tente ?

Questions et réponses sur l'offre

Le poste

Descriptif du poste


·       Assist with the deployment of the communications strategy of a SLB division with more than 20,000 employees. This is a global role with many opportunities to learn.

·       Create internal content: articles, interviews, videos, posters, animations.

·       Support to internal and external events based on our corporate calendar.

·       Develop and deploy Internal campaigns such as diversity and inclusion campaigns, sustainability initiatives and other corporate campaigns.

Profil recherché


·       Creative, curious and self-motivated, you have strong project management skills and want to have an experience in a dynamic corporate environment.

·       You master all tools in the Microsoft Pack Office and have experience with Adobe (Premiere/After Effects) or other video and design softwares.

·       You are proficient/fluent in English and have very good oral, verbal and written communications skills.

·       You enjoy writing or want to develop your writing skills.

You feel comfortable working independently and want to learn how to manage projects from start to finish.

Déroulement des entretiens

Please provide your resume in English.

Envie d’en savoir plus ?

D’autres offres vous correspondent !

Ces entreprises recrutent aussi au poste de “Public Relations and Communications”.