E-commerce products data - Internship October 2024 - Paris

Stage(5 à 6 mois)
Salaire : 1,3K à 1,5K € par mois
Début : 03 novembre 2024
Télétravail occasionnel
Éducation : Bac +4


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Questions et réponses sur l'offre

Le poste

Descriptif du poste

🔎 In a nutshell, what we look for?

We are looking for an autonomous and talented intern to join our Products Data team. The team is already composed of 4 amazing members (e.g. Augustin André, Pierre Vigand,Kirill Efremov and Infant Joseph). Due to our strong growth, this number is likely to increase quite rapidly.

🏈 About your future Team

The team is in charge of aggregating all the data available around the products we sell, especially the characteristics of the products (e.g. size, price, descriptions, brand).By cleaning and centralizing this data, the team can send it to our partners in order to increase Stockly revenues. The team has a pivotal role in Stockly’s growth and has already successfully increased revenues within existing partners by suggesting and pushing new content to expand their product pages.

🧑‍🚀 About your future job

🎯 Objectives: what could be examples of your first quarter objectives?

  • Gather and collect the data from our suppliers (on the internet, from our partner’s feeds or data bases) to create a universal catalogue on excel. This will lead to achieve the objectives of pushing product pages to our demanders and create demand generation (e.g. creating data to push 25 new product pages in the Shoes categories for Galeries Lafayettes).

  • Automate tasks as much as possible, improve existing processes or create new ones

  • Potentially be in charge of specific projects and initiatives

🥊 Challenges: what are the challenges / problems to be solved?

  • Being able to identify and document how to push product pages for specific partners

  • Being able to document demander-specifics requirement (e.g. correct image format, required properties, specific naming of the category)

  • Creating tools (i.e. dashboard, process) to track the performance of product page pushing

  • Having regular checks of performance for each Stockly partner and defining the process to identify trends (e.g. decreasing revenues and why? Increasing performance of some categories)

📚 Learnings: what will you learn?

  • Developing autonomy and project management: work on a project where you will be able to, almost single-handedly, boost Stockly’s growth

  • Understanding e-commerce: product pages, categories play, inventory management, margin split, marketplaces, traffic and websites, etc.

  • Learning what a fast-pace, in a skyrocketing start-up, is like: opportunities to be at the heart of the Stockly’s machinery, working on a variety of projects right with our head of Network

💝 About your future benefits

  • Meal vouchers by Swile 🍽️

  • 50% reimbursement of your Navigo Pass 🚋

  • A central and amazing working environment in Le Sentier (Paris) 💼

  • Flexible remote policy 🏡

  • Possibility to take a few paid days-off to be discussed with Team Leader 🏄

  • Stockly dinners together every other Thursday 🍻

  • Stockly breakfasts together every other Friday 🥐

  • Coffee, tea and fruits available everyday 🍇

  • Climbing & football team 🧗

⚙️ About how we work

  • Every team has a daily meeting to align on priorities and solve issues ⇒ You won’t be left alone!

  • Every Monday we have a global weekly meeting where every team shares what they are working on and what they will do for the coming week ⇒ You will have visibility on the whole company!

  • Every quarter we have our OKR meeting (Objectives, Key Results) where each team shows the results of the previous quarter and the objectives of the following one ⇒ You will see the company grow and your own role inside of it!

  • During all these meetings everyone can challenge each other and all questions are more than welcome ⇒ Transparency is one of our key values, and we are always open to new ideas!

Profil recherché

🧑‍💻 Hard skills

  • Logic and analytics: you love logical problems and are strong in reasoning and have past experience with Excel/GoogleSheet 📐

  • Interest for e-commerce: you love making business and understand e-commerce concepts (sales, discounts, margins, shipping, returns…)

  • Education: gap-year or end of studies internship from a Business background with a convention de stage 🎓

  • Languages: Fluent in English 🇬🇧

🤝 Soft skills

  • Autonomous and resourceful: you know how to manage your tasks independently and ask for help when needed

  • Tenacious: you never give up even when it is complex

  • Ambitious: you are ready to reshape the global e-commerce landscape with us

  • Nice, humble and friendly: you love learning from others and humbly sharing knowledge with them

  • Autonomous, hard working and resourceful: you know how to manage your tasks independently and ask for help when needed

👊 So if you see yourself in the shoes of a Stockler - don’t hesitate! 👊

Déroulement des entretiens

🏎️ Our process goes fast, we are reactive and we adapt to your availabilities, we can typically go through the whole process in 2-3 weeks:

  1. 45mn entry-test to be sent by email - You will have some time to do it at home

  2. 20min video-call with a member of our Talent Acquisition team - To understand your background and motivations, and reply to your questions

  3. 1-hour face to face (or remote) interview with our Head of Network Pierre and our Growth Hacker Augustin - To have a deeper discussion

  4. 🎉 Final offer 🎉

🏡 Part of the process can be done remotely if you have constraints

Envie d’en savoir plus ?

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