Signaturit Group

Signaturit Group

Intelligence artificielle / Machine Learning, Logiciels

La Défense, Barcelona, Valencia

Organisation et méthodologies

Signaturit Group

Within R&D, each team uses the Agile methodology of its choice, with a self-proclaimed preference for Scrum, with 2-week sprints.

The agile rituals followed by the team are the classics: Daily Standup Meeting, Spring Planning, Retrospective, Demo.

The Demo is a company-wide presentation of R&D work over the past 2 weeks, with each R&D team presenting its achievements in turn, using slides and product demos.

Projets et défis techniques

Au sein de la R&D, nous portons une attention particulière au “Continuous Learning”. Le secteur du développement informatique est en constante évolution. Les outils, méthodes, produits ou frameworks utilisés aujourd’hui peuvent être remplacés par des solutions plus pertinentes ou efficaces demain.

Il est donc primordial de rester à la page et de continuer de se former sur ces sujets.

To address this issue, we have implemented 2 elements :

  • Brown Bag Lunch: bimonthly internal presentations by R&D for R&D. A member of R&D presents a tech topic, whether related to VIALINK's business or not, and shares his or her thoughts on it.

  • Book Club: on a voluntary basis, a group forms to read a tech book together. Each person reads the week's chapter in his or her own time, and the group meets again in working time for 45 minutes to discuss the chapter's content and share personal experiences on the subject.

Signaturit Group

Processus de recrutement

Signaturit Group
  1. HR team member - 45 min (get-to-know-you discussion, introducing you to the company, the teams and the technical stack)

  2. videoconference with a Team Lead - 45 min (Q&A on your technical skills and discussions on the concepts of agility, code quality and continuous learning)

  3. Technical test to be carried out at home in 1 hour via TestDome

  4. Interview in 2 parts (product with a PO then technical with devs) - 2h30 face-to-face to discover our great premises and the VIALINK environment!

  5. Welcome aboard 🎯