

Digital Marketing / Data Marketing, IT / Digital


Rencontrez Margaux, Cheffe de Projet Digital - Wiztrust

Rencontrez Margaux, Cheffe de Projet Digital

Margaux is a Senior project manager at Wiztrust. She started to work at Wiztrust in 2018, as an intern. She has acquired many hard skills and soft skills over time. Also, now she started to manage an employee within her team Let’s discover Margaux’s, profile

Rencontrez Marion, Head of Customer Success - Wiztrust

Rencontrez Marion, Head of Customer Success

Marion, started at Wiztrust in 2020 as a Customer Success Manager. Her communication skills have been useful many times through her work at Wiztrust. She grew at Wiztrust, and since 2021 she became our Head of Customer Success. Now, she manages the Customer Sucess Team composed of 6 people. Here is her interview

Rencontrez Raphaël, Cofondateur & CEO - Wiztrust

Rencontrez Raphaël, Cofondateur & CEO

Raphaël Labbé est diplômé d’HEC Paris en 2003 et fondateur de ulike.net en 2006.

En 2011, sa société est rachetée par le Groupe l’Express Roularta. Il rejoint donc le Groupe et y occupe les postes de directeur des opérations digitales et directeur de l'innovation. Il est chargé des développements et des usages innovants pour les marques du groupe (L’express, L’entreprise, Votre Argent, L’expansion, Coté Maison).

Depuis 2006, il est impliqué dans l’univers des startups , féru d’innovation et accro à Product Hunt.

En 2014, il s’associe à Jérôme Lascombe pour mettre en commun leurs connaissances et expériences dans leurs domaines respectifs : les médias et la communication. Ils créent ainsi Wiztrust.


#Startup #Communication #Paris #Challenges #Innovation

Wiztrust was founded in 2014 by two seasoned entrepreneurs from the media and digital world: Raphael Labbé, former innovation director at Express Roularta and Jérôme Lascombe, founder of Hopscotch.

In seven years, Wiztrust has become the standard SaaS platform for communication teams. Wiztrust has already convinced major listed companies from CAC40 and SBF120 (Schneider Electric, Capgemini, Nexity, L’Oréal, Groupe BPCE). We are growing in France and internationally : our platform users are located in more than 40 countries.

Ce qu'ils recherchent

There is no typical profile at Wiztrust! The team is made up of talents from various backgrounds & origins, all united around a common goal: to help companies achieve their digital transformation.

Each one of them puts his or her own spin on the startup's life.

It's a close-knit team of enthusiasts (and Slack & Notion addicts). Would you like to join the adventure?

Wiztrust is always looking for new talent! Curious, enthusiastic and daring, you like to work in a team, take on new challenges and want to participate in the development of a promising startup ? Join them!

Bon à savoir

Their values :

  • Adaptability
  • Art of Service
  • Collaborative Success
  • Growth & Nurturing
  • Play & Gourmandise

They love chocolate : there is a chocolate bar in the office & every good news is celebrated around a snack or a breakfast. 🥐🥖

No work on your birthday ! Because we'll love the music, you'll get a premium Spotify account 🎶.

In March 2022, Wiztrust was labeled Best Candidate Experience by Speak & Act.

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