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Product manager / Educational engineer

Salaire : 40K à 45K €
Début : 31 juillet 2024
Télétravail fréquent


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Le poste

Descriptif du poste

Our content is Jedha’s backbone. We believe that building the greatest content is one of the founding pillars of a great school. As part of the Content team, we are looking for a Pentester who’s passionate about Education, who can share their vision and implement it in our trainings to ensure excellence.

Your mission

  • Write and design engaging technical content that simplifies complex concepts for various audiences, especially in cyber-security

  • Audit current content and improve it

  • Manage content development projects

  • Manage technical experts (Internal or Freelance)

  • Oversee and manage content budget

  • Analyze student feedback and take action based on it

  • Organize and participate in our board of content experts

  • Manage content backlog and prioritize updates

  • Stay updated with the latest advancements in various technical fields

Profil recherché


We’re looking for a curious and passionate individual who loves technology and enjoys creating beautifully designed content both in form and substance.

You are someone who is driven by a deep passion for IT and tech, always seeking to learn and share knowledge.


  • Proficiency in Python (like real one)

  • Programming

  • Networking

  • Security

  • AWS (other clouds are a plus)

  • Docker

  • A strong curiosity and broad knowledge in various technical domains, especially cybersecurity, programming, data science, machine learning

  • And… English is a must (written and spoken)


We’re open to any type of education background.

Déroulement des entretiens

  • Screening on Welcome to the Jungle (in your motivational letter, tell us what motivates you about this position and what you enjoy about tech)

  • 1st interview with one of our Content Team Member

  • Technical Interview

  • Interview with our CTO

  • Interview with our CEO

  • You’re done 😉

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