
SaaS / Cloud Services

Prague, Hradec Králové, Ostrava

Radim, Engineering Director - Vendavo

Radim, Engineering Director

Radim se připojil k Vendavu v prosinci 2023 na pozici Engineering Directora. Momentálně pracuje s kolegy v Engineeringu na tom, jak sjednotit všechny naše produkty do jedné platformy. Je to velká výzva, ale zároveň obrovská příležitost, která nám umožní posunout naše produkty zase o kus dál.

Ivan, DevOps Engineer - Vendavo

Ivan, DevOps Engineer

When Ivan finished his Software Engineering Bachellor, he only had one thing clear: To focus his entirely professional career on the DevOps World. It was not easy as he had to improve his skills little by little, but then Vendavo appeared in his life with a great opportunity. Since then, Ivan has been working and growing as a DevOps Engineer helping the company to keep the right direction and he won’t stop until mastering the DevOps world. On free his free time, he prioritizes other passions as such sports like football and F1, dancing and music!

Petr, Cloud Solution Architect - Vendavo

Petr, Cloud Solution Architect

Petr působí v servisním oddělení Vendava od roku 2021, a s trochou nadsázky by se dalo říct, že je trochu takové děvče pro všechno. Začínal na pozici databázového Solution Engineera pro Vendavo PricePoint, ale po krátké době přestoupil na fullstack vývoj pro Vendavo Inteligent CPQ a pozici leada. Otevřenost a přátelskost mu pomohly k navázání mnoha pracovních vztahů mimo servisní oddělení, což v kombinaci s jeho ryzí zvědavostí a neustálou potřebou věci vylepšovat způsobilo další změnu v zařazení do firemní hierarchie a sice posun na pozici Cloud Solution Architekta. Ve své současné roli Petr používá své znalosti a multi-produktový nadhled k vývoji procesů a nástrojů, které pomáhají servisnímu oddělení v efektivitě a kvalitě dodávaných řešení a rád se svými kolegy řeší technické výzvy na zákaznických implementacích. Podle hesla ‘Problém je můj, úspěch je náš‘ se snaží rozvíjet mezi týmovou spolupráci, ve které každý člověk může růst a být oporou a pomocí ostatním.

Niky, Quality Assurance - Vendavo

Niky, Quality Assurance

Niky’s task is to make sure that customers are satisfied with the final product, and that Vendavo delivers what was promised. Her main duties include manual testing. Niky is the intermediary between the customer and the developers, and she reports all the software bugs she finds to them. Niky joined Vendavo in 2015, but she has been a tester for eleven years already. She still enjoys her job as much today as she did when she started.

In her free time, Niky pursues martial arts, in particular Krav Maga. She likes to joke that this sport helps her gain due respect among her predominantly male colleagues. She also likes to travel and attend animal charity events.

Tomáš, Product Owner - Vendavo

Tomáš, Product Owner

Tomáš leads a team of developers and QA engineers, and together they’re in charge of one of the company’s main products – Profit Analyzer. However, they’re currently working on something new. Tomáš started out as a programmer, but later he switched to the position of a Product Owner. He spends most of his time planning and communicating with his team, and, from time to time, he makes business trips to the US to meet the clients. Because he keeps in touch with the customers, he knows firsthand how they use the products and how the products help them succeed on today’s competitive market.

Tomáš truly appreciates the friendly vibe throughout the company. Vendavo is perfect for him because it’s neither a corporation nor a “punk” start-up. It’s just about right. However, he can see the results of his work all around the world.

On weekends, he tries to leave the computer behind and switch to manual work at his cabin along with his family. Tomáš likes orienteering and even trains a group of children in Hradec Králové.

Company Introduction

Vendavo is a global SaaS company that helps its customers increase profitability through B2B solutions for optimizing prices, margins and determining pricing strategy. Its cloud-based AI-based pricing solution enables international manufacturers and distributors such as Ford, Avnet, Medtronic to manage, optimize and digitize their complex commercial processes. Vendavo offers much more than just software.  Its proven processes, and passionate, experienced people accelerate value and drive profitable business outcomes for their customers. Headquater is in Denver, USA. There are three branches in the Czech Republic, where the main product development of the entire company is concentrated – in Prague, Ostrava and Hradec Kralove.

Who Are They Looking for

Freedom and flexibility go hand in hand with personal responsibility. Vendavo is looking for people who can handle the fact that no one tells them what time they have to be in the office at the latest and will not stand behind them (but will cover for them if necessary). They want passionate people in the team, who are not afraid to speak up and come up with constructive criticism or new ideas. What matters to them is what anyone can or is willing to learn. This is also why you can basically work from anywhere and you can combine work with different life situations. Technical specialists, such as developers, testers, UX designers and others, will find their opportunity in the company. Terms such as .NET, Java, Python, React, JavaScript, AWS, Azure, ML are familiar to them and they can appreciate the friendly company culture. The company also actively supports the involvement of women in IT because of cooperation with Czechitas. Some employees also help students by supervision of graduate theses thanks to active cooperation with universities.

Good to Know

Originally a small startup company has taken a big step forward. Because of growth and an international team, it has moved to much more efficient processes. But they still maintained startup energy and a friendly environment based on mutual trust. They are not often only colleagues, but also friends. Vendavo takes care for employees to have sufficient opportunities and access to education.

Flexible working hours and home-office are common. They make stay in the office more pleasant with refreshments, breakfasts once a week, and edible "surprise" once a week. They also like to spend time together on various joint activities, e.g. badminton, frisbee, bowling, movie nights... Vendavo also supports employees in their free time in the form of free entrance to the ZOO, sports competitions, organizing professional conferences and other activities. In addition to 5 weeks of vacation per year, the company also grants 4 days to recharge batteries and 3 sick days.

The company also pays attention to social responsibility, so offers employees up to two days off a year for charity events. Since communication in English is necessary in Vendavo, the company offers English language courses. Another benefits also include contributions to Benefit Plus, Multisport card, meal allowance, choice of mobile phone and laptop.

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