Employee breakdown
Agroalimentaire / Nutrition animale, Environnement / Développement durable, SaaS / Cloud Services
Ottignies-Louvain-La-Neuve, London, Paris
Our vision in the Tech team is to find the perfect balance between delivering top-notch quality Apps and meeting the needs and timing of the Business roadmaps.
We are a group of around fifteen people with skills revolving around the Web development i.e. NodeJS developer, PHP developer, Product Manager, Product Designer, BI engineer...
To complement our Company values, we are guided by four strong internal values inside the Tech team:
The Tech is divided in 2 parts...
Product deployments every month
The whole management of the sprints, deployments and documentation is hosted in JIRA and Confluence.
The main Product tool used to sort and centralize all the inputs and feedback coming from various internal and external stakeholders in order to build the roadmaps and supply ranked backlogs to the Dev Squads.
The whole translation process is centralized in Phrase to ensure we have qualitative and consistent translations throughout all our Apps.
The Tech is divided into 2 main parts, the Product part and the Dev part. People are grouped into autonomous, homogeneous and versatile Squads focused on one App. The Squads are supported by transversal roles like the CPO and the CTO.
Each Squad follows a classic Scrum methodology that revolves around a Ceremonial made out of Backlog grooming, Backlog refinement, Sprint planning, Standup, Sprint review and Sprint retrospective.
Part of the time of the team is reserved for "non-productive" moments called "cool-downs" to give room to the Squads to innovate, release steam and reflect.
The spirit behind the management style is to give a frame and direction to the teams and give them the appropriate means while trusting them to work on the best initiatives to solve user problems and create value.
Among our Apps, there is the Farmer Portal used by the farmers to input all the geographical, technical data and practices they do during a farming season on their farm and fields in order to have a comprehensive GHG carbon footprint.
This App revolves around an interactive map (Mapbox) on which the farmer can easily create his or her farm and its evolution season after season by merging, modifying and splitting fields. This need some heavy Backend calculation eased by the use of the PostGIS PostgreSQL extension.
There is also an extensive Backend (PHP) science to keep track of all the history of changes done on the farm year after year and to take them into account to compute the right GHG footprint for a specific farming season.
Eventually there is a real UI/UX challenge (React) to get non tech-savvy people, the farmers, to input correctly their data in an efficient way and to provide them with accurate and easy to understand GHG reports made out of graphs, benchmarks and contextual advice.
The hiring process is made out of 4 steps :