⭐️ We need you ⭐️
Joining the HR team, working alongside Margot, our HR Business Partner, you are in charge of all operational work to allow the company to achieve its goals. Your team’s objective is also to structure / organize the recruitment activity through processes / tools / models, and finally to develop the recruitment activity with modern sourcing methods.
★ You help draw and deliver the annual recruitment plan, with different contributions depending on the type of jobs :
For US jobs (mainly Sales & CS), you set & manage the activity of local / dedicated recruitment partners
For all other jobs, in Europe (Tech, Data, Sales, CS, Market’, Product, Clinical, Quality, Corporate, Finance, HR, etc.), you manage recruitment on you own
★ You are the recruitment’s TIMING & PROCESS master
You write job description/scorecard
You launch recruitments
And you process everything, so that every recruiting manager feels he/she works very efficiently and knows directly what the recruitment status with every candidate
★ You bring new, modern and widespread ideas to BOOST SOURCING actions.
We do expect you to directly hunt via the traditional channels (InMail on LinkedIn for instance)
But we also expect you to explore new paths / tools: automatic workflow scenarios, grasp new updated profiles on platforms, multi-diffuser, etc.
★ You plan, set and manage the Employer Brand with the HR & Marketing team
Our priorities: chance equality & diversity
★ Other actions
You put in place a new set of recruitment KPI’s and keep them constantly updated
You constantly feed our recruitment POOL of talents
Up to you to use / develop it!
★ Our tools
Linkedin Corporate
At Implicity, you will have a weekly meeting with your manager, to help you succeed in your mission, and continuously improve your skills.
Each team works with quarterly OKR, to be crystal clear, fair and honest with your targets.
The annual appraisal is a shared exchange moment, focused on your development.
🥉 Your Background
You have 3+ years of experience, with a proven track record in a similar fast-paced environment
You already challenged and structured recruitment processes
Recruiting in a Scale-Up environment is vital, you do understand that stake and act accordingly: extreme reactivity, settings efficient standards, manage image and satisfaction, build a pool, etc.)
You’ve recruited Tech profiles recently
🥈 Your Hard Skills
You really know your hunting techniques (from sourcing to closing)
You are both fluent in French & in English
You know what metrics matter when talking about improving your processes and performance
🥇 Your Soft Skills
You are both super creative and super organized: you are bold, unconventional, you are always looking for new ideas and opportunities to try/test, and in the same time you always stay very focus on the requiring target
Recruiting in a Scale-up can be tough: you are hard worker, you are truly resilient, never give up, and “no” is not an answer!
You are a storyteller, able to convince people
You strive for excellence
Strong work ethic & daily act with integrity, honesty and fairness
You like this ad, and think this is very like you 😊
💰 Remuneration
For this job (CDI - full time), you’ll get a fixed salary depending on your experience + commissions
Company BSPCE
👍 Benefits
Health care plan: Alan (35€ / month + 20,25€ for kids)
Luncheon voucher: 9€ (50% employer)
Transport: 50% of your pass
✅ Why us?
Simply because you will get all scale-up advantages without the usual drawbacks!
Activity: we are a “purpose company” - that really drives everyone’s daily motivation and commitment
Solution: we built a best in class solution, that has no direct competitor
Growth stage: we are not small - we are not big - we are 70 => our boom is to come
International: we operate at a global level, and our working language is English
Values: we do have values, and these are not just for posters!
. Integrity: we act with honesty and fairness
. Ambition: we strive for excellence in a healthcare demanding environment
. Cooperation: we care, we support, we seek collective success
Autonomy: you’ll definitely get real responsibilities, and have the chance to have impact
Employee care:
. Our beautiful office is “rue du Louvre” (between Chatelet & Bourse)
. Our happiness manager is taking the greatest care of all of us! 🐣
Tools: we used Slack, Notion and DropBox, and it is pretty cool
Remote: up to 3 days / week
Worklife balance: we are definitely respectful
Shareholder: every single employee is incentivized with company equity
Do you need more arguments? We’ve got a bunch!
🤓 Want more infos?!
Our website: https://www.implicity.com/about-us/
Our team: https://www.welcometothejungle.com/fr/companies/implicity/team
Our other opening jobs: https://www.implicity.com/careers/
Our $23M Series A last January 2022: https://www.implicity.com/ressource/seriesa/
Our latest FDA Clearance for AI-Powered “ECG Analyzer” reducing the volume of false positives”: https://www.implicity.com/ressource/fda-clearance-for-ai-powered-ecg-analyzer-for-implantable-loop-recorders/
Our great Hydro project (heart failure prediction): https://www.implicity.com/ressource/nouvelle-etape-projet-hydro
Our cool partnership with Withings: https://www.implicity.com/ressource/implicity-and-withings-develop-a-solution-for-the-remote-monitoring-of-heart-failure-patients
A cool article by La Tribune: https://www.latribune.fr/technos-medias/innovation-et-start-up/la-startup-de-la-semaine-implicity-previent-les-crises-cardiaques-grace-aux-donnees-829691.html
And finally, 2 interviews of our CEO Arnaud Rosier:
. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ofIQQMWqZo. https://www.bsmart.fr/video/1727,37-ecosysteme-implicity
If you believe that you are the right person for Implicity, we are looking forward to receiving your application
We are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We constantly challenge ourselves to build a diverse team of talents and to create an inclusive environment for all employees
No need for a cover letter, just tell us why you want this job!
Recruitment process:
1° 30min call with Margot, HR Business Partner
2° Interview with Margot, again!
3° Interview with Lucie, our COO
\=> Depending on your availabilities, the recruitment process should last less than 3 weeks.
Offer usually follows within 72 hours🤞
Ces entreprises recrutent aussi au poste de “Recrutement et acquisition de talents”.
Voir toutes les offres